France. French Red Cross
London Committee Charity Insignia, 1914 era, with envelope of issue;
Germany. German Red Cross
Badge (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Abzeichen), 1950s;
Germany. German Red Cross
Badge (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Abzeichen), 1950s;
Germany. German Society
for the Rescue of the Shipwrecked stickpin (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung
Schiffbrüchiger Anstecknadel);
Hungary. Red Cross Blood Donor Stickpin;
Poland. Polish Red Cross Decoration of Honour, I
class (Honorową Odznaką Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża, I stopnia), 1945-1990
Spain. Spanish Red Cross:
two stickpins (Cruz Roja Española: dos alfileres) by I. Egaña of Motrico;
Sweden. Swedish Red Cross
Youth Badge ( Svenska Ungdomens Röda Kors Medlemsmärke);
Red Cross insignia: Fourteen Assorted
Red Cross: Five Assorted Buttons (36)