97 | HARDY BROS: A BRASS AND HICKORY FISHING PRIEST with inscription 'W. Foster from L.R. Hardy 1936'; a fishing priest by Sharps of Aberdeen; a mahogany fishing priest; a Chevalier Bonus of London fishing gaff and one other fishing gaff (5) | £80 - £150 | £160 | View |
98 | HARDY BROTHERS OF ALNWICK: A CHESTERMAN LINE AND HOOK GAUGE circa 1950s, in the original leather case, 11cm long
Provenance: A private Shropshire sporting collection. | £30 - £50 | £60 | View |
99 | HARDY BROTHERS OF ALNWICK: 'THE HOTSPUR' FISHING LINE WINDER with brass spines, horn tapered handle on a brass arm, stamped with 'Hardy Brothers Alnwick', 21cm long
Provenance: A private Shropshire sporting collection. | £50 - £100 | - | View |
100 | A SET OF BRASS FISHING SCALES 20th century, the aluminium scales measuring up to 8lbs, mounted within a brass casing, the back inscribed "Wyche Angling Club, London Road, Nantwich", with an angling scene engraved to the top, 55cm… | £100 - £200 | £100 | View |
101 | HARDY BROS: A FLY TYING VICE a Hardy Bros. black japanned fly tin with various trout flies; and a Kingfishers of Stow-on-Wold brown leather fly wallet with various flies, the vice measuring 26cm (4) | £30 - £50 | £80 | View |
102 | A QUANTITY OF FLY TYING ITEMS including jungle cock, cock pheasant, turkey, hen pheasant and blue mallard and others; 'The Hardy Book of Flies'; a fly tying vice and various other materials (a lot) | £30 - £50 | £20 | View |
103 | AN ARMY & NAVY LEATHER FLY WALLET containing various flies and Army and Navy cast packets; together with two other leather fly wallets with contents, the largest measuring 18cm x 12cm (3)
Provenance: A private Shropshire sporting… | £50 - £100 | £100 | View |
104 | A COLLECTION OF FISHING FLIES contained in three tins, a wooden box and a plastic case, PROPERTY OF MR K.D. DEBENHAM Fisheries Manager for John Lewis Fisheries (5) | £50 - £100 | £70 | View |
105 | A FRAMED DISPLAY OF TWENTY TARPON FLIES of various sizes and patterns, including the Saddleback Blue, the Red Squirrel, the Pink Saddleback, Blue Baron and others, 70cm x 46cm | £50 - £100 | £120 | View |
106 | HENRY LEONIDAS ROLFE (1824-1881) 'A Study of Trout from the River Test' 1870, signed and dated lower right, titled to a label verso, oil on panel, 29cm x 44cm | £500 - £1,000 | £480 | View |
107 | GEORGE COLE (1810-1883) A study of Man Fishing at a Canal Lock 1878, signed and dated lower left, oil on canvas, 36cm x 53cm | £500 - £1,000 | - | View |
108 | JOHN SEARL (20th century) A study of a fish and tackle signed lower right, pencil on paper, 14cm x 23cm | £50 - £100 | £70 | View |
109 | *CHRIS TURNBULL (b. 1950) A study of a catfish 1985, signed and dated lower right, ink on paper, 13cm x 20cm | £200 - £400 | - | View |
110 | *CHRIS TURNBULL (b. 1950) 'Crucian Carp Jumping Out Of Lily Pads' signed lower right, inscribed verso "From his book Reflections, Highlights From An Angling Life, page 1", acrylic on board, 38cm x 28cm | £200 - £400 | £120 | View |
111 | *MARK CHESTER (b. 1960) A study of a carp depicted amongst vegetation, signed lower right, gouache on board, 26cm x 37cm | £100 - £200 | - | View |
112 | *STEPHEN HARPER (b. 1951) A study of a fish signed lower right, inscribed verso "Original drawing from A Line On The Water..." and with a further message and signature from the artist, pencil on paper, 13cm x 18cm | £50 - £100 | £50 | View |
113 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) A pair of fish studies both signed to lower left, oil on panel, 10cm x 13cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It has been suggested he was active between 1810 and 1840, or lived between 1879 and 1921. | £200 - £400 | £200 | View |
114 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) 'Still waters run deep' depicting a pike chasing leaping fish, signed lower left, with title to centre, oil on canvas, 38cm x 52cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It has been suggested he was active… | £200 - £400 | £300 | View |
115 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) 'Grayling Fishing' before entering the fisherman's net, signed lower right, named and dated plaque to centre, title inscribed verso, oil on canvas, 20cm x 24cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It… | £300 - £500 | £440 | View |
116 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) A Study of a Roach on a Line signed lower left, oil on panel, 17cm x 23cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It has been suggested he was active between 1810 and 1840, or lived between 1879 and 1921. | £100 - £200 | £280 | View |
117 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) Study of a pike and gaff raising from the waters surface, indistinctly signed lower left, oil on canvas, 15cm x 19cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It has been suggested he was active between 1810 and… | £200 - £400 | £320 | View |
118 | A. ROLAND KNIGHT (1845-1914) 'A Highland Poacher' signed lower right, inscribed plaque to centre, titled verso, oil on canvas, 17cm x 23cm
Note: The dates of this artist have been disputed. It has been suggested he was active between 1810 and 1840,… | £300 - £500 | £460 | View |
119 | MANNER OF HENRY L. ROLFE (1824-1881) A study of a trout laying on a riverbank, oil on canvas, 36cm x 45cm | £200 - £400 | £440 | View |
120 | R. HENRY JERMAIN (19TH/20TH CENTURY) A study of caught fish being emptied from a wicker basket, set against a mountainous landscape, signed and dated '1913' lower right, oil on panel, 25cm x 36cm | £200 - £400 | - | View |